Processing an analysis Manager OLAP cube through DTS

  • We have this request to perform the processing of our OLAP cubes through scheduled DTS.

    Has anyone done this before, and could he share the sql syntax needed for this with me. He'd be my hero!



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  • The "Analysis Services Processing Task" in DTS is the task you need. Create a package that uses this task to process your cubes.

    Then schedule this to run using SQL Server Agent. Use a "Operating System Command (CmdExec)" job step that uses a command like

    DTSRUN /E /Ssqlservername /N"DTS Package Name"

    In this example, I assume you have saved the pacakge to "SQL Server". The name of that server is specified by the /S parameter. For more info on this command, look for DTSRun in BOL.

  • Thanks, Happy,

    that's exactly how I did it

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