Missing sp''s in master db

  • A scary thing has happened. I'm missing a couple of system stored procedures on my QA machine (e.g., sp_dbcmptlevel in master db). I tried re-installing service pack 3a (we're still at this level due to certain web apps), but I get errors during the install process. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  • Lisa,

    How did it happened?

    To fix: there was a post several days ago. See discussion


    "Dropped sp_spaceused

    Posted 12/22/2005 5:58:00 AM"

    There is a good advice by Brian.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • However, also check the upgrade scripts left by the service packs, also in the same directory. If they update a stored procedure during a service pack, it's not going to change that original file, so far as I am aware.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • There were 3 people at one time that had sysadmin access, but that has since change. Can only assume it was dropped by accident.

    Unable to copy and execute sp_dbcmptlevel sp using script in procsyst.sql file (certain variables already declared). When I tried re-installing sp3a the error received was the following: "Error running script: sp3_serv_uni.sql(1)". Just really wanted to avoid rebuilding the master, but it looks like I'm running out of options...

  • Don't run the entire script. Rather, find the stored procedures which are missing and execute just the code related to them. For instance, run only the CREATE PROCEDURE statement for sp_dbcmptlevel (along with the SET ANSI_NULLS statement before and after).

    If that's what you did, what do you mean by, "certain variables already declared?"

    K. Brian Kelley

  • That's exactly what I did. I only ran the code associated with the sp, however, this is the error message received: The variable name '@dbname' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. (Duh)

    I inserted a begin statement before set no count on and an end stmt after return (0) -- sp_dbcmptlevel (at the end of the sp), but this didn't work either.

    I can see this same sp in Dev/Prd and tried copying it and executing in the QA environment, but to no avail.

    I'm perplexed...

  • OK, it's obvious I was having a bad day.  Thank you for your reply...I inserted the SET ANSI_NULLS ON before declaring the variables and it worked fine.

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