Merge replication(add,drop constraints,index,table,tigger)

  • Hi there,

    I have been using merge replication with pull subscription. I managed to add a constraint using the following steps and schema changes were taken place at the publisher, but when i do syncronization at the subscriber, it does not sync,instead it gives en error. I have even re-initialized the subscription, still it does not work. Is anyone out there to give me a solution.

    Your help would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    steps, that i have used to create a constraint on the published table is given below.

    a. Open Notepad

    b. Paste the following Transact – SQL Command

    alter table <PublishedTableName>

    add constraint <ConstraintName>


    c.Save the files as addConstraint.sql

    d. use <PublicationDatabase>


      sp_addscriptexec @publication = <PublicationDatabase>,

      @scriptfile = <path of addConstraint.sql>


    Error that i have encountered at the subscriber when i syncronize is given below

    The schema script '0\\machinename\repldata\20050506184002630\addConstraint.sql could not propagate











  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM





    Check thsi line particularly


    Synchronous Mode

    In synchronous mode, the sync with backup option is set on the publication database. This causes the Log Reader Agent to synchronize with the publication database backup. In this mode, the Log Reader Agent does not propagate any transactions from the Publisher to the distribution database if they have not been backed up. This ensures that no Subscriber will get ahead of the Distributor; however, this also means that replication latency (the time it takes changes made at the Publisher to appear at the Subscriber), which can usually be as low as a few seconds, is now constrained to be greater than or equal to the log shipping interval. Typically, this is between two and ten minutes.

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