Truncate linked server table

  • When running the following statement:

    Truncate table linkedserver..owner.tableA

    Note: 'linkedserver' is a linked server to Oracle and connects with the production password, so the user that is connection has truncate rights.

    I get the following error:

    The object name 'linkedserver..owner.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.

    When I run the statement:

    select * from linkedserver..owner.tableA

    everything runs fine.

    Please help!

    thanks in advance!!

  • I think when using distrubuted querry for updations it requires set xact_abort on unless the provider support nested transactions. Here Truncate doesn't even use the rollback segments. So I think you might have to delete all the rows from the table rather than a truncate.

    set xact_abort on

    delete from opendatasorce(provider,con string)..table

    or u can use the openquery(). plese see books online for this.


    if any other way is there please tell me.

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