how to perform a cascading delete operation

  • Hi, there

    I want to delete all records from one table and any dependent records, recursively. But the table was not created with cascade option.

    Is it possible to write a SQL script to recursively find all dependances and delete them all?





  • You could just do 2 deletes :

    delete b

    from parent_table as a

    join child_table as b on b.col1 = a.col1

    where a.col2 = my_value

    delete parent_table where col2 = my_value

  • The problem is that each child table may also have a set of child tables, and so on, to a certain number of levels.



  • Ahh, now I understand.

    So how about writing a DELETE trigger for each table to delete any dependent records. That's a fairly common way to implement cascading.

    Just remember to make your trigger code set-oriented if possible - otherwise you're likely to end up with really nasty performance.

  • Thanks for the reply. I do not know how to write a trigger. I will look at it later. It will be great if you can give me a headstart.

    I am write a resursive stored procedure to do it. Apparently it does not work yet. In the procedure, I have to use sp_executesql becuase I need to use different cursor name in each recursion. But that cause the @rTableName undefined.

    Any ideas to make it work?



    The stored procedure is as follows:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'cas_delete' AND type = 'P')

       DROP PROCEDURE cas_delete


    CREATE PROCEDURE cas_delete

     @tablename varchar(32)


    declare @stmt nvarchar(512)

    set @stmt = 'declare c_tables_' + @tablename + ' cursor for select from sysobjects inner join sysforeignkeys on = sysforeignkeys.fkeyid inner join sysobjects sysobj on sysforeignkeys.rkeyid = and =' + '''' + @tablename + ''''

    print @stmt

    exec sp_executesql @stmt

    set @stmt = 'OPEN c_tables_' + @tablename

    print @stmt

    exec sp_executesql @stmt

    declare @rTableName varchar(32)

    set @stmt = 'FETCH NEXT FROM c_tables_' + @tablename + ' INTO @rTableName'

    print @stmt

    exec sp_executesql @stmt



     print 'ha ha ha ' + @rTableName

     set @stmt = 'exec cas_delete ' + @rTableName

     print @stmt

     exec sp_executesql @stmt

     exec cas_delete @rTableName

     set @stmt = 'FETCH NEXT FROM c_tables_' + @tablename + '  INTO @rTableName'

    exec sp_executesql @stmt


    set @stmt = 'CLOSE c_tables_' + @tablename

    exec sp_executesql @stmt

    set @stmt = 'DEALLOCATE c_tables_' + @tablename

    exec sp_executesql @stmt

    print 'delete table ' + @tablename

    delete from @tablename



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