Issue with Dynamic SP

  • Hello,

    I would like to thank Frank Kalis for referring me to the dynamic SQL link below... it was a big help

    However, I do have one issue......  My Query works fine in the Query Analyzer, but when trying to pass form variables to the stored procedure in ASP - Set objRS = Conn.Execute("search_orders_1 '" & request.form("Group_Name") & "'") , I keep getting the following error:

    Error Type:

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Error converting data type varchar to int.

    Here is the SP:

    CREATE PROCEDURE search_orders_1                                      

                        @id     int          = NULL,                      

                        @Region      varchar(20)  = NULL,                      

                        @SMC          varchar(50)  = NULL,                      

                        @ATS          varchar(10)  = NULL,                      

                        @Platform     varchar(50)  = NULL,                      

                        @Server_Name  varchar(50)  = NULL,                      

                        @Owner       varchar(50)  = NULL,                      

                        @Group_Name   varchar(255) = NULL,                      

                        @Scope       varchar(50)  = NULL,                      

                        @Cost         varchar(100) = NULL,                      

                        @Priority     varchar(50)  = NULL,                      

                        @debug        bit          = 0 AS                     



       DECLARE @sql        nvarchar(4000),                                   

               @paramlist  nvarchar(4000)                                    


       SELECT @sql =                                                         

           'SELECT, d.Region, d.SMC, d.ATS,        

                   d.Platform, d.Server_Name, d.Owner, d.Group_Name, d.Scope, 

                   d.Cost, d.Priority             

            FROM   deepdive d

            WHERE  1 = 1'                                                   



       IF @id IS NOT NULL                                               

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND = @xid'                 


       IF @Region IS NOT NULL                                              

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Region = @xRegion'              


       IF @SMC IS NOT NULL                                                

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.SMC = @xSMC'                


       IF @ATS IS NOT NULL                                              

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.ATS LIKE @xATS + ''%'''               


       IF @Platform IS NOT NULL                                              

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Platform = @xPlatform'             


       IF @Server_Name IS NOT NULL                                               

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Server_Name LIKE @xServer_Name + ''%'''                 


       IF @Owner IS NOT NULL                                             

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Owner LIKE @xOwner + ''%'''  


       IF @Group_Name IS NOT NULL                                                  

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Group_Name = @xGroup_Name'                        


       IF @Scope IS NOT NULL                                                

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Scope = @xScope'                    


       IF @Cost IS NOT NULL                                               

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Cost = @xCost'                  


       IF @Priority IS NOT NULL                                                

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND d.Priority = @xPriority'               



       SELECT @sql = @sql + ' ORDER BY'                            


       IF @debug = 1                                                         

          PRINT @sql                                                     


       SELECT @paramlist = '@xid     int,                                 

                            @xRegion  varchar(20) ,                            

                            @xSMC     varchar(50) ,                            

                            @xATS    varchar(10) ,                               

                            @xPlatform   varchar(50) ,                               

                            @xServer_Name   varchar(50) ,                            

                            @xOwner  varchar(50) ,                        

                            @xGroup_Name   varchar(255) ,                        

                            @xScope    varchar(50) ,                        

                            @xCost    varchar(100) ,                        

                            @xPriority  varchar(50) '                                 




       EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist,                                  

                          @id, @Region, @SMC, @ATS, @Platform,

                          @Server_Name, @Owner, @Group_Name, @Scope, @Cost,      





  • You have to name your parameter or it will assume it the first parameter is being entered.


    Conn.Execute("search_orders_1 @xGroup_Name = '" & request.form("Group_Name") & "'") 

  • besides the above correction I believe that to use the connection object to execute the procedure is not the best way I would recommend you use the command object instead

    * Noel

  • No problem!

    Although it does seem so, I'm not totally against the use of dynamic sql. There are cases with very complex searches where you are better off with dynamic sql, but these are few.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I am wondering if the SP works at all with the syntax that it is written with currently , I believe the variables should not be included inside the apostophies like it should be                               




      IF @id IS NOT NULL                                               

          SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND = @xid'                   


    should be

      IF @id IS NOT NULL                                               

     SELECT @sql=@sql+ ' AND ='+ ''+   @xid + ''


    Otherwise the variables may not get substituted with the passed in values as even the variable will be  considered as part of the string, and if the variable is of int or numeric type then it can be written as

    SELECT @sql=@sql+ ' AND ='+   @xid

    I don't know if I am missing anything here.


    Prasad Bhogadi

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