Help with a Select Statement

  • I need to speed up the following statement. I have put it through the Index Tuning Wizard which suggested a couple of index which I applied. But is there some performance to be gained by restructuring the statement:

    DECLARE @UpdateCnt int

    DECLARE @todaysDate datetime

    SET @todaysDate = dateadd(yy,-1,getdate())

    SET @todaysDate = dateadd(dd,-1,@todaysDate)

    SELECT clm.claimID

    INTO #tbl_temp_claims

    FROM claims clm

    INNER JOIN tblpayments p ON (p.claimid = clm.claimID)

    WHERE (clm.addeddate < @todaysDate)

    AND (clm.settle_date < @todaysDate OR clm.settle_date is null)

    AND (clm.received110date <@todaysDate OR clm.received110date is null)

    AND (clm.received111date < @todaysDate OR clm.received111date is null)

    AND (clm.received113date < @todaysDate OR clm.received113date is null)

    AND (clm.injurystatusid = 1)

    GROUP BY clm.claimID

    HAVING MAX(p.datereceived) < @todaysDate


    SELECT claimid

    FROM claims clm

    WHERE claimid not in

    (SELECT claimid FROM tblpayments p

    WHERE p.claimid = clm.claimid)

    AND (clm.addeddate < @todaysDate)

    AND (clm.settle_date < @todaysDate OR clm.settle_date is null)

    AND (clm.received110date <@todaysDate OR clm.received110date is null)

    AND (clm.received111date < @todaysDate OR clm.received111date is null)

    AND (clm.received113date < @todaysDate OR clm.received113date is null)

    AND (clm.injurystatusid = 1)


    UPDATE Claims

    SET injuryStatusid = 4

    FROM claims clm

    INNER JOIN #tbl_temp_claims t ON t.claimid = clm.claimID


    SET @UpdateCnt = @@rowcount

    SELECT @UpdateCnt as UpdateCnt

    drop table #tbl_temp_claims


    Arthur Lorenzini

    Arthur Lorenzini

  • Try This

    UPDATE Claims

    SET injuryStatusid = 4

    FROM claims clm,(SELECT clm.claimID

    INTO #tbl_temp_claims

    FROM claims clm

    INNER JOIN tblpayments p ON (p.claimid = clm.claimID)

    WHERE (clm.addeddate < @todaysDate)

    AND (clm.settle_date < @todaysDate OR clm.settle_date is null)

    AND (clm.received110date <@todaysDate OR clm.received110date is null)

    AND (clm.received111date < @todaysDate OR clm.received111date is null)

    AND (clm.received113date < @todaysDate OR clm.received113date is null)

    AND (clm.injurystatusid = 1)

    GROUP BY clm.claimID

    HAVING MAX(p.datereceived) < @todaysDate


    SELECT claimid

    FROM claims clm

    WHERE claimid not in

    (SELECT claimid FROM tblpayments p

    WHERE p.claimid = clm.claimid)

    AND (clm.addeddate < @todaysDate)

    AND (clm.settle_date < @todaysDate OR clm.settle_date is null)

    AND (clm.received110date <@todaysDate OR clm.received110date is null)

    AND (clm.received111date < @todaysDate OR clm.received111date is null)

    AND (clm.received113date < @todaysDate OR clm.received113date is null)

    AND (clm.injurystatusid = 1)) AS t


    t.claimid = clm.claimID

  • not sure if it will speed it up or not but

    (clm.settle_date < @todaysDate OR clm.settle_date is null)

    could be

    isnull(clm.settle_date,@TomorrowsDate) < @todaysDate)

  • If none of that helped (and the temp table should have) - try ordering your 'and' clauses so that the most restrictive one is performed first; that will limit the amount of data that the other ones have to grind through. That's worked for me in the past on huge data sets.

    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

  • You may want to try with UNION ALL...

    also try....

    (I did not test for absolute correctness)

    INTO #tbl_temp_claims
    FROM claims clm
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tblpayments p
    ON clm.claimID = p.claimid
    WHERE clm.injurystatusid = 1
    AND ISNULL(clm.addeddate, @TomorrowsDate) < @todaysDate
    AND ISNULL(clm.settle_date, @TomorrowsDate) < @todaysDate
    AND ISNULL(clm.received110date, @TomorrowsDate) < @todaysDate
    AND ISNULL(clm.received111date, @TomorrowsDate) < @todaysDate
    AND ISNULL(clm.received113date, @TomorrowsDate) < @todaysDate
    AND ISNULL(p.claimid, clm.claimID) = clm.claimID -- This Gets the rows from the UNION

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Above, (UNION ALL) I meant something like...

    Select Distinct ClaimID
    INTO #tbl_temp_claims
    From (SELECT clm.claimID
    FROM claims clm
    INNER JOIN tblpayments p
    ON (p.claimid = clm.claimID)
    WHERE .....
    SELECT claimid
    FROM claims clm
    WHERE claimid not in
    (SELECT claimid FROM tblpayments p
    WHERE .... )
    ) A

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

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