Stored Procedure with Variable Date Range

  • I am trying to create a stored procedure that will provide Salesman information by product and month.  I would want the result set to look something like this.

    Salesman   Product  Month1  Month2 Month3 Month4 Month5 ....

    Joe Brown  Shirt            25          20     30     50       60

    I would want a row for each product sold.  The real difficulty is that the procedure needs to return columns for a variable number of months.

    The procedure would accept inputs for Salesman and Start Date and End Date.

    The date range would be unknown and a column would need to be generated for each month in the date range.  I'm not sure how to accomodate this unknown number of columns.  The data is stored in the database by individual item sold, so it would need to be rolled up to a monthly total.

    Could you give me an idea of how to structure the procedure to accomodate this?


  • This really should be done on the front-end; it would be easy with a report writer that supports cross-tab reports (and most do).  There are also some third-party utilities available for doing this sort of thing (,  But here's one way to do it with dynamic T-SQL:

    USE Northwind


    CREATE PROC p_SalesByMo @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime, @emp int AS


    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)

    SELECT @sql = ISNULL(@sql + ',

    ','') + 'SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(m,@startdate,ShippedDate) = ' + CAST(Number AS varchar)

     + ' THEN Quantity ELSE 0 END) Month' + CAST(Number + 1 AS varchar)

    FROM master..spt_values

    WHERE Type = 'P' AND Number <= DATEDIFF(m,@startdate,@enddate)

    ORDER BY Number

    SET @sql = 'SELECT ProductId,'

    + @sql + '

    FROM Orders o JOIN [Order Details] d ON d.OrderId = o.OrderId

    WHERE o.EmployeeID = @emp

    GROUP BY d.ProductID'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@startdate datetime, @enddate datetime, @emp int',@startdate,@enddate,@emp


  • Why not create your stored procedure to do your aggregation into a summary table then use MS Excel to do your Crosstabs?

  • Hi Charlesd,

    XTAB will do the job for you - no fuss.

    It's big but you only have to copy and paste it - no messing with code because the XTAB stored procedure gives you full control through its parameter interface. Here's the URL.

    Below is a Northwind test using XTAB for a query similiar to the one you requested.

    Your SALESMAN filter would go in the WHERE clause.

    Hope this helps.



    Use Northwind

    EXEC sp_XTAB



    'Orders INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID',

    'CustomerID, ProductID',

    'CAST(Month(ShippedDate) AS varchar(4))',





    'WHERE ShippedDate Between |May 1,1997| AND |July 1,1997|',



    Kindest Regards,

    Ian Smith

  • Jonathan,

    Thanks for your reply.  I realize that it would be preferable to use a report writer to do the job, but I would like to try your method.  We have been using VB for most of our report writing.  I need to modify your sql somewhat, but I seem to be having a problem getting it to run correctly.  I don't need to account for Quantity.  I'm dealing with a system that has a single line entry per item.  How would I modify the following to remove the reference to quantity:

    'SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(m,@startdate,DateEnteredInSystem) =

    ' + CAST(Number AS varchar)

     + ' THEN Quantity ELSE 0 END) Month' + CAST(Number + 1 AS varchar)

    Thanks again for your help.


  • If you just need a count, replace the column identifier (Quantity) with just the number 1:

    ...THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    It's easier (and better distributed) to do this in VB, too...

    CREATE PROC p_SalesMonths @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime, @emp int AS


    SELECT d.ProductID, DATEDIFF(m,@startdate,o.ShippedDate) Mon, COUNT(*) Cnt

    FROM [Order Details] d JOIN Orders o ON o.OrderID = d.OrderID

    WHERE o.ShippedDate >= CAST(CONVERT(char(8),@startdate,112) AS datetime) - DAY(@startdate) + 1

     AND o.ShippedDate < DATEADD(m,1,CONVERT(char(8),@enddate,112)) - DAY(@enddate) + 1

     AND o.EmployeeID = @emp

    GROUP BY d.ProductID, DATEDIFF(m,@startdate,o.ShippedDate)

    ORDER BY d.ProductID, Mon

    Sub PivotSales(dtStartDate As Date, dtEndDate As Date, nEmployee As Integer)

      Dim nMonths As Integer, n As Integer

      Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection

      Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

      Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

      Dim sConn As String

      Const SERVER As String = "TestSever2"

      sConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=" & SERVER & ";Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI"

      cnn.Open sConn

      With cmd

        .ActiveConnection = cnn

        .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

        .CommandText = "p_SalesMonths"

        .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@startdate", adDBDate, adParamInput, , dtStartDate)

        .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@enddate", adDBDate, adParamInput, , dtEndDate)

        .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@emp", adInteger, adParamInput, , nEmployee)

        Set rst = .Execute

      End With

      Set cmd = Nothing

      nMonths = DateDiff("m", dtStartDate, dtEndDate)

      Debug.Print "ProductID",

      For n = 0 To nMonths

        Debug.Print "Month" & n + 1,



      With rst

        While Not .EOF

          Debug.Print .Fields(0),

          For n = 0 To nMonths

            If .EOF Then

              Debug.Print 0,


              If .Fields(1) = n Then

                Debug.Print .Fields(2),



                Debug.Print 0,

              End If

            End If




      End With


      Set cnn = Nothing

      Set rst = Nothing

    End Sub


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