select statement

  • hi I have the following select statement:-

    select customer,warehouse,sum(CASE DATEPART(yyyy, dated)

    WHEN 1999 THEN val ELSE null END) as y1999,

    sum(CASE DATEPART(yyyy, dated) when 2000 THEN val

    ELSE null END) as y2000  from sales table where warehouse='E' or warehouse='EC'

    group by customer,warehouse

    order by customer

    this works fine however I need to refine the datepart section to tell sql that y1999 is actually between 1st november 1999 and 31 october 2000 and so on.

    Can this statement be amended to do this?

    Thanks for any help!

  • This syntax ought to work (haven't tested it!)

          when dated >= '1-nov-1999' and dated < '1-nov-2000' then val
          else null
        END)  as y1999,
  • I tried this but got an error:-

    Error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'. (State:37000, Native Code: 9C)


    Any ideas why?

  • Well what is the format in which the dated field is saved in present context.

    Prasad Bhogadi


    I tried this but got an error:-

    Error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'. (State:37000, Native Code: 9C)

    Any ideas why?

    The syntax should be pretty fine unless you forgot to include SELECT in front.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • As a certain Mr Simpson would say - Doh!


    Thanks for your help!!

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