DTS Packages not being executed

  • All our scheduled DTS packages stopped working last night for some reason... I've checked the SQL Agent account that they run under and it is correct - ie its running under a domain account that has all sql priviledges.

    I've tried also running a package using:

    DTSRun /S MySQLServerName /E /N "My DTS Package Name"

    THis also fails. The error I get is:

    Executed as user: GRAY\Administrator. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x869737E6B0EDDA45AC5EF6318E0DCA03 (reason: The system cannot find the file specified). The step failed.

    Where exactly does DTSRUN look for these job files and what should I be looking for?



  • DTS always looks for files on the local machine where it is initiated. So when runnning through a schedule it will look on the server. If you run it through EM or dtsrun on your workstation, it will look for the files on your machine.

    Best practice is to use UNC paths to avoid this kind of errors.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Sorry I dont think I was specific enough..

    The DTS packages on their own run fine - ie I can run them successfully from the DTS designer or by using the DTSRUNUI.EXE utility. But as soon as I schedule the package and start the job it fails.

  • [/quote]

    if you are using ODBC connection in the Dts Chack It On The sql Server Machine and Try To run the dts from the DTS designer On The Server Machine

  • We found the problem - the PATH environment variable had been overwritten and hence DTSRUN could not be found in the path.

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