MCDB Elective

  • I have passed both the exams 70-028 and 70-229. For a long time, I have been debating what elective to take. I have no experience with any of them and not sure what one to select.

    Plus, a move to St. Louis has has only increased my need to complete my MCDBA. So, I am hoping the elective I choose will also help me with finding a new job.

    Any info or advice on what elective to select and what tools are good to study for this elective would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You,


  • The elective you choose should probably be based on what you know the most on or are most comfortable with.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • While Brian is totally correct, AFAICS (also currently doing my MCDBA) it boils down to two choices, developer facing or sysadmin facing.

    If you want to stay involved with application development work then go for one of the application development electives - whichever language you have most experience in, tho I would recommend one of the .NET options as that appears to be the future in M$ land.

    OTOH if you are going to be doing system administrator work, then you might be best carrying on from your 70-215 exam and going for 70-216, that way you can pitch yourself at DBA/sysadmin level.

    The warehousing option is a nice idea from a database purist point of view but I'm not sure its as strong as either or the Development DBA or SysAdmin DBA roles, job-wise. But don't rely on my judgement of the job-market as I'm UK-based so it's probably different from where you are.

  • That's a good point. It depends on what type of DBA you want to be. I have years of experience as a programmer before I became enlightened and became a DBA, so I'm much more comfortable as an Application DBA.

    I don't mind being a System DBA, but I don't have the networking background.

    So, decide what type of DBA you wish to be and use that as your elective.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • If you don't have an area of expertise or experience, like data warehousing, passing that exam is of limited benefit. You look like a "book" person. I'd pick the exam the most closely matches your experience.

    Steve Jones

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