Transcender Questions

  • Hello,

    I am considering the purchase of the 'Deluxe MCDBA 2000 Pak' from Transcender. At the Transcender web site, this 'pak' costs $379.00. This price includes all three core tests, one elective, and the 'Flash' prep option for each test.

    I'd like to get some feedback from those who have used Transcender to aid them towards MCDBA certification both positive and negative. I've always heard good things about Transcender.

    I'd like to know the following:

    1. Is the 'Flash' option worth the extra cost?

    2. If you took the the test without the 'Flash' prep help, were you satisfied with your exam results?

    3. Is there a less expensive alternative for purchasing this pack (perhaps from another vendor)?

    4. Is it possible to purchase a good used pak? If so, from what sites?

    Thanks for your help!


  • #4. Not really. When you buy transcenders, you have to give them an email address and a password. You then load the transcender onto your computer. IMPORTANT! It must be loaded onto the computer you are going to use! Then the software gives you two codes. You go to a transcender web page, enter the two codes, and you get the KEY to unlock/use the transcender. So, if you are buying a used transcender that was bought as a single-user license it won't work on a machine other than the one it was initially installed on. If someone is selling one they bought for multiple machines, how are you going to really know that it's that and not the single user version?


  • #4: Transcender, single-version, can't be redistributed once you've purchased it:


    This license does not allow the product to be passed on, resold or redistributed to any other person.

    The text is here:

    I know a couple of years ago Transcender was going after people legally for selling once they had completed their certification.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I thought some of those folks were pushing back since they purchased a product and has no bearing on the actual test other than as study material. So Transcenders excuse of passing the test was not legal grounds for them not being able to resell the product license. I remember there was a lot of hoopla about it at one point but it got quiet quick.

  • It may have had to do with the fact that you had to open the shrink-wrap in order to read the licensing agreement... at which point you had accepted the licensing agreement. I know that one was point of legal contention. Now the licensing agreement is posted clearly on their site. Don't know if it is related, but that was one of the issues I remember.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Also, it appears that YOU no longer get the key to 'unlock' the transcender. I found this out with the one I just purchased from them. You load it on the computer you are going to use (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT). Then you open the transcender for the first time, enter the email address you gave them, enter the password you gave them and it downloads the key into your computer. There is a way to do it manually, but again you provide them with two codes that are created by the software and use information from your computer (that's why it's important to be using the computer that you intend to use the transcender on).


  • What are the conditions then if you have to wipe the computer one this?

    If they are no longer selling you the software for use on yuor machine and reuse if need to upgrade then they should be discounting otherwise the fight for leasing software is going to see a lot of uproar as that was the point. Plus even if a lease they have to account for computer malfunction, so how?

    Just curious.

  • There's a guy on selling new, unopened Transcenders. He says he's an authorised reseller.

    I bought 70-229 Transcender off him for $88.50 plus shipping last week, just waiting to receive it (I'm in the UK so stuff takes a while to get here).

    The guy's seller ID is napoleonetrainer - you can search by seller on ebay to find his current auctions.



  • Daniel,

    Did he get your email address and a password (not to your email)? Transcenders need that so they can provide you the code to unlock/use the software. And the code isn't sent to you, it's downloaded directly to your computer. I just finished loading the Transcender for 70-229 onto my laptop at home so I know what's required to make it work.


  • I found that the Transcenders exams helped me quite a bit when studying for my MCDBA exams. The answers to the questions help to explain 'why the answer is the answer', or at least point you in the right direction so that you can do further research. The Flash cards (I thought) were useless, you don't need those.

    Good luck!

  • quote:

    Did he get your email address and a password (not to your email)? Transcenders need that so they can provide you the code to unlock/use the software.

    Thanks, Bill. No, he didn't get all that, but the Transcender is described as new and unopened (still wrapped) - so it should be as if I bought it from any of the online resellers, shouldn't it? I just get in touch with Transcender when it arrives and I open it.

  • Daniel,

    You might want to go to Transcenders web site and email them about it. I bought mine right from Transcenders themselves. I'm not sure how it works for getting the codes when you buy from a reseller. (anyone can call Transcenders and CLAIM it's an unopened, never used before Transcender). Maybe the reseller sends you the information you need to get the code. I suggest checking with Transcenders.


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