Looping multiple files and importing using DTS

  • I am trying to do just as specified in the article linked below. I downloaded the demo pkg and it works just great.

    However, I tried to create my own using the same stuff....and it will only execute the create table part (first step). Under status, when running manually, it just says "Not Run" for the other steps with a Black X? I think I must be missing something here? If I run each step on its own, it works? Do I have something with my workflow properties wrong maybe? I have it (I think), just like the example.



    Edited by - ivy on 05/01/2003 2:56:04 PM

    Edited by - ivy on 05/02/2003 09:30:52 AM

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Try this link. It is from this site and works nicely: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/bszabo/dtsfilearrival.asp

  • Thank you. I also found the one on sqldts.com to work for me also. A little more involved with error checking with the first one I tried, which is nice also. Thanks.


  • Check the work flow of steps which need to be followed after each step is sucessfully executed. There might be some step which did not have the right work flow selected.

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