DTS and Lotus NotesSQL

  • Hi:

    I'm wondering if anyone might be able to help me...

    I am working with Lotus Domino and have built a DTS package to bring data over to a SQL Server 2000 database table. The package uses a Lotus NotesSQL driver v3.0.2b, and it works fine when executed via a client. However when I schedule the package as a job I receive the following error:

    Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 23341 (5B2D)

    Error string: [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Unable to find path to server

    Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

    Help file:

    Help context: 0

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • One of the pre-conditions of the NotesSQL ODBC driver is the fact that an installation of either Lotus Notes (the client) or Lotus Domino (the server) is installed on the machine initiating the ODBC connection.

    For as far as I know, NotesSQL checks for a Notes.INI file somewhere in the path to identify if it has been installed. So check the user that is used to run the DTS package. Try logging on interactively with this user, and check if the package still works...

    Another common problem with Notes 'not finding a path to the server' is with the addressing. Haven't got a clue how you would get around this one, since I only know how to do it in Notes (in the Location and Connection documents).

    Maybe you can try adding the machine to your 'hosts' file.

  • Thanks for the reply..

    In playing around with the NotesSQL driver we did read that it required either a Lotus client or server to be installed on the machine initiating the ODBC.

    So, we set up a test SQL Server and installed a lotus Notes client on the machine. When we ran the package interactively (as a DTS package) it ran fine.

    But, when we scheduled it as a job it received the error mentioned in my previous note.

  • Not Sure if this is any help.. I use File DSN as the ODBC connection and within the DSN under {Options} the NotesSQL Options I supply the UserName & PW..

    Then within the DTS Package I use this file DSN etc..

    Have got it wotk with both local and Domino Srv connections..(usually use replicated LN .nsf files to retrieve from for speed and historical data reasons)

  • also maybe look @ NotesSQL Authentication Manager (I don't use this but it may help if the problem is an authentication problem), you supply the notes.ini file etc..

    I use 3.01 driver currently

  • Thanks.

    Yes, I am also using a file DSN. I've tried it with SuppressUID on and off. I've supplied userid and password, had the client running on the server and also shut down. It is baffling to me. I use scheduled DTS jobs all the time with ODBC connections built to AS/400 (DB2/400) machines, and I have no problems.

    Thanks again for the suggestions.

  • Probably due to duplicate Notes.ini files (confusing the Driver), try lookin for duplicate notes.ini files, remove the old versions and try again.

  • I have found that if a dts package runs from enterprise manager but runs with errors as a scheduled job, the account that is used to start SQL Server may not have the right privs to access files or other data sources.

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