Ways to Determine the Version and SP of SQL Server

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/dPriyankara/versionservicepack.asp

  • The article was good.

    Of all the ways,


    would be of much use as it tells what SP you are running, which most people want rather than version number.

    And there is one more way to find this along with version number is Enterprise Manager.

    If you right click on the Server (in EM), on the General tab you would see 'product version', which would tell you which service pack and version number you are running.

  • Unfornuately SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') does not work in SQL Server 7.0

  • Hi kmsonti,

    Thanks for comment.

    Though we can easily find the SP through EM, I always like this way as I am T-SQL junkie.

    Anyway, thank you very much because you have added what I have missed.

    mcp mcse mcsd mcdba

  • This is a great article. When Sapphire (SQL Slammer) hit our networking team went to every machine that even had SQLServer.exe (inside service packs or not) and shut them off the network. We had to prove to them we had the latest and greatest. With this tool it is a lot simpler because non-DBA's don't understand 8.00.760 is the latest they know SP3.

    Thanks very much!

    AJ Ahrens


    Custom Billing AT&T Labs

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • ProductLevel is nice to know about when you don't have a version list handy. Thanks for the tip. Too bad it doesn't display hotfix level info too. 🙁

  • Sounds like a great article and tip.... Until you go to try it all out and you find that most of it doesn't work in SQL 7. It would be nice if folks would mention what version they based their work on at the start of the article.

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • What about Enterprise Manager client?

    What is the easiest way to determine the the EM client. The "About" tells you Microsoft Management Console version/build. Is there a method of determining the latest version is installed?

    Thanks for the quick summary in your article.

  • IHMO using c:\winnt\system32\qfecheck.exe is also a valid way to discover the information needed.

  • I thought hotfix 8.00.818 which is supposed to be the SQL Slammer patch?

  • Great article.  I do have a question; how can I output the results from master..xp_msver production to a table?

  • CREATE TABLE #MyTable(<column name> <column Type> , etc)

    INSERT #MyTable(<fields>

    exec master.dbo.xp_msver


  • Thanks, Very useful to find the version and sp of sqlserver


    Kindest Regards,


  • Thanks, for the information provided. but it will be a great help if anyone could send a list of patches released and what patches are included in the service pack


    Thanks In Advance



  • very informative

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