Statistic Profile Parameters

  • When I set statistics profile 'on' in the query window and run a complex query, it gives a lot of information: Rows, executes, statement text, etc, etc. Can you suggest any reading material that explains the various parameters that the statistics profile deals with along with ways to interpret them when analysing queries.


  • Take a look at "SET SHOWPLAN_ALL" as that is the extra fields data you list. There are almost no resources on this on the web and most are rehashes of that data. Sorry, I have not run into any book that goes into too much detail on this. What specifically do you want to know?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Here's the list of arguements that I get:

    StmtText,StmtId,NodeId,Parent,PhysicalOp,LogicalOp,Argument,DefinedValues,EstimateRows,EstimateIO,EstimateCPU,AvgRowSize,TotalSubtreeCost, OutputList, Warnings Type, Parallel,


    If I am looking to see how efficiently my query is performing, what all should I be looking at. In the physicalop and Logicalop I know that Index seek is what I want rather than Index scan or table scan. In these categories things like 'sort', 'compute scalar', 'aggregate', 'stream aggregate' etc how is that info helping me and what control do I really have on it. Again in the STmtText other than the seek or scan what else do I look for and how do I interpret it.

    Guess EstimateRows, EstimateIO, EstimateCPU, AvgRowSize, TotalSubtreeCost should be helpful. Can you explain these somewhat, also are these numbers a real measure or they need to be interpreted in some way. Also, why are all these estimates and not actuals.


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