Data Transformation with ActiveX

  • Hello,

    I am importing data from a textfile of 1,5 GB to my Sql-server and I use activeX for the transformation. I need ActiveX script because I have to change some formats etc.

    But, I think it is very slow and I want it to speed up.

    Do you have some hints to speed up the transformation?

    Thx for the advice!


  • 1.5 GB is a LOT for a poor little package to do so it will take some time. However there are somethings you could look to on the destination side, for example if you're coming into an existing table watchout for indexes, each one will require processing time to adjust as each record comes in.

    Just a thought, I wonder if doing your transformation AFTER the import (I.E. using a stored procedure/s or some such rather than in the DTS activeX, would reduce the load on the DTS package and speed things up a little.

    Could you break the import up? i.e. break the source file up into manageable chunks?

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

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