How to Add header & trailer info into Text File

  • Hi, All

    I have a situation here.. I need help..

    Situation is I need to create Text file that I need to send out to vender for processing info.

    I use DTS to pull data from one server to the other. I can pull data and create text file using DTS but how can I put header & Trailer info after or before I pull the data? Is there any DTS function or I need to do something else???

    Thx in advance


  • You could use the filesystem object (scripting host). This would be instanciated in an activeX script in a dts package, and would create a new file (FILEA), write out the header, read the datafile (FILEB) and then append the data to FILEA.

    Paul Ibison

    Paul Ibison

  • Thx.. All..

    Let me try... What about Trailer info..I think that goes to the same way with header info..:-))

    Is there any info that I can reference with creatig Text File?


  • You can look at my PushFTP article for sample text file creation. Also here's the ref from MS:

    Steve Jones

  • I had the same need as you in that I had to put some data into a text file with a two line header of information. My final step was to select * from a view and put it into the text file so I just used a data transformation task based on the following type of query:

    SELECT 'Whatever the first header should say'


    SELECT 'Whatever the second header should say'



    Pretty simple but it got the job done. You could even add a footer info as well.


  • I tried that but it said there is no destination column.. When I take a look at the destination, it doesnt show up the all columns..What did I do wrong?


    Edited by - rheejay on 02/07/2002 1:40:00 PM

  • quote:

    I tried that but it said there is no destination column.. When I take a look at the destination, it doesnt show up the all columns..What did I do wrong?


    Edited by - rheejay on 02/07/2002 1:40:00 PM

  • Woops. Sorry. I forgot to add that you need to add an alias to the first select statement in order to create a column for the DTS task to use. For example try running the following query in a DTS package on the Northwind database and output to a text file:

    SELECT 'Header line one' AS Col1


    SELECT 'Header line two'


    SELECT 'Header line three'


    SELECT CustomerID

    FROM Customers


    SELECT 'Footer line 1'

    You should use UNION ALL statements because the header order could be random with just UNION.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thx for all..

    Here is my 2 cents to help somebody who has a similar problem like me..

    Actually I needed a little bit of details to solve my problem.. Many contributors help to guide my way of thinking:-))). However for somebody like me, I add this script..

    Hope this will help..


    P.S: I copy and paste into this box so lines are not correctly stick to each other.. Therfore when U copy & paste into Active X script, Please be careful:-)))


    Function Main()

    Const ForReading=1, ForWriting=2, ForAppending=8

    Dim fso, f, _ ReadDataFile,AppendToHeader,FinalFile

    Dim dMonth, dDay, dTime,dMin

    Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Create Text File & Insert Header Info

    Set f = fso.CreateTextFile ("c:\testfile.txt", True)

    Select Case Len(Month(Date))

    Case "1"

    dMonth = "0" & Month(Date)

    Case Else

    dMonth = Month(Date)

    End Select

    Select Case Len(Day(Date()))

    Case "1"

    dDay = "0" & Day(date())

    Case Else

    dDay = Day(date())

    End Select

    Select Case Right(Time(), 2)

    Case "AM"

    dTime = "0" & Left(Time(), 1)

    Case Else

    dTime = Left(Time(), 1) + 12

    End Select

    Select Case Len(Replace(Time(), ":", ""))

    Case "8"

    dMin = Mid(Replace(Time(), ":", ""), 2, 4)

    Case "9"

    dMin = Mid(Replace(Time(), ":", ""), 3, 4)

    End Select

    f.WriteLine("HEADER" & YEAR(DATE( )) & dMonth & dDay & dTime & dMin)


    'Open Data File to read

    Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\xop1105.txt", ForReading)


    'MsgBox ReadDataFile

    'Open Header text file to append Data file which is already created before

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\testfile.txt", ForAppending)



    'Open text file(Header+Data) to insert Trailer info

    Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\testfile.txt", ForAppending)



    Set fso=Nothing

    Set f=Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


    Edited by - rheejay on 02/12/2002 07:38:18 AM

  • I have the same need - to add a header and footer to a flat file. Microsoft SQL Help says that in the Transformation Pre source Phase you can add a header and in the Post Source Phase you can add a footer. I can't seem to find any examples of how to do this. How would I add the header and footer using this method?



  • quote:

    Hi, All

    how can I put header & Trailer info after or before I pull the data? Is there any DTS function or I need to do something else???

    Here's a low-brow solution:

    Create a DOS bat file that copies your header/trailer info to your existing file

    copy header.txt + datafile.txt + trailer.txt datafile.txt

    Is this too easy?

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