Looping though XML Subnode and pass the Identity value

  • --Create Parent Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Parent]


    [Parent_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

    [InternalID] [int] NULL,

    [Action] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertDateTime] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [UpdateUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    --Create Child Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Child]


    [Child_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

    [Parent_ID] int references Parent(Parent_ID),

    [InternalID] [int] NULL,

    [Action] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertDateTime] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [UpdateUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    --Create KidTable

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Kid]


    [Kid_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) primary key clustered,

    [Child_ID] int references Child(Child_ID),

    [InternalID] [int] NULL,

    [Action] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [InsertDateTime] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [UpdateUserID] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    DECLARE @hDoc int

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT,

    '<Parent InternalID="154805" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-29-2008 17:13:57</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>13-05-2010 13:22:41</UpdateDateTime>


    <Child InternalID="4926250" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406436" Action="Insert">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406437" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>




    <Child InternalID="4926251" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406438" Action="None">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>






    -----Insert into Parent Table

    Insert into Parent

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/Parent',3)

    WITH (

    [InternalID] [int],

    [Action] varchar(10),

    [InsertUserID] varchar(10),

    [InsertDateTime] varchar(10),

    [UpdateUserID] varchar(10))


    Declare @Parent_ID INT

    SELECT @Parent_ID = @@IDENTITY


    --Insert into Child table

    Insert into Child

    select @Parent_ID,*

    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/Parent/Childs/Child',3)

    WITH (

    [InternalID] [int],

    [Action] varchar(10),

    [InsertUserID] varchar(10),

    [InsertDateTime] varchar(10),

    [UpdateUserID] varchar(10))

    declare @Child_ID int

    select @Child_ID = @@identity

    --Insert into Request table

    Insert into Kid

    select @Child_ID,*

    FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/Parent/Childs/Child/Kids/Kid',3)

    WITH (

    [InternalID] [int],

    [Action] varchar(10),

    [InsertUserID] varchar(10),

    [InsertDateTime] varchar(10),

    [UpdateUserID] varchar(10))


    select * from Parent

    select * from Child

    select * from Kid

    I am trying to load the XML data into SQL server table.

    Below is the structure for my table I have Identity column in each table and I want to pass that Identity value to the subnode. But when I am trying to load the third level(Kid table) , I am just getting the last Identity value from the Child Table into the Kid table.

    I need Child_ID 1 for InsertUserID(Kid1,Kid2) and Child_ID 2 for InsertUserID(Kid3) in the Child Table.

    Is there any way that i can get the populate the one row in Child table and get the identity of that and populate the Kid table associate with that Child_ID , and again same for the second row in the Child table.

    ---Below is the Expected result for the Kid Table

    Kid_ID Child_ID InternalID Action InsertUserID InsertDateTime UpdateUserID

    1 1 3406436 Insert Kid1 02-20-2008 CATS

    2 1 3406437 Update KId2 02-20-2008 CATS

    3 2 3406438 None Kid3 02-20-2008 CATS

    --But I am getting the this:(Child_ID 2 for all the records in Kid Table)

    Kid_ID Child_ID InternalID Action InsertUserID InsertDateTime UpdateUserID

    1 2 3406436 Insert Kid1 02-20-2008 CATS

    2 2 3406437 Update KId2 02-20-2008 CATS

    3 2 3406438 None Kid3 02-20-2008 CATS

  • Will it ever happen that the source file could have data with identical Parent InternalID's, Child InternalID's or Kid InternalID's repeated within different nodes?

    Something like

    Parent InternalID="154805"

    __Child InternalID="4926250"

    ____Kid InternalID="3406436"

    __Child InternalID="xyz"

    ____Kid InternalID="3406436"

    Parent InternalID="abc"

    __Child InternalID="4926250"

    ____Kid InternalID="3406436"

    As a side note: I would redesign the concept to use XQuery instead of Openxml...

    It's most probably faster in your scenario since it's required to reference nodes from one/two levels up....

    Let me know if the scenario described above might happen...

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  • Thanks for your fast reply,,,but InternalID is defferent in all the tables.

    I am facing the difficulty into pass the identitly value of Child table to the appropriate Kid values.

  • krishusavalia (12/14/2010)

    Thanks for your fast reply,,,but InternalID is defferent in all the tables.

    I am facing the difficulty into pass the identitly value of Child table to the appropriate Kid values.

    Which InternalID do you refer to (it's used in every node)? Also, I asked regarding duplicates within your xml structure.

    The reason for asking: I would use the output clause for each insert statement and copy the assigned ID as well as the original InternalID into separate tables. Those tables would be used to join to assign the Parent_ID or Child_ID.

    But this concept will fail as soon as there are duplicates within your xml file, since the assigned ID to the related InternalID won't be unique anymore.

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  • Hi LutzM,

    Those InternalID is different in all nodes.So I am trying to finding a way which process as per XML file. I mean insert one row and get the identity value,,pass that identity value to the subnode of that and again for the second row.

  • Here's a "slightly" different approach:

    Instead of Openxml I use XQuery together with CROSS APPLY for referencing outer node attributes.

    To catch the ID values from the insert statements I make use of the OUTPUT INTO clause and finally join those results back to the XQuery.

    DECLARE @xml XML

    SELECT @xml='<Parent InternalID="154805" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-29-2008 17:13:57</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>13-05-2010 13:22:41</UpdateDateTime>


    <Child InternalID="4926250" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406436" Action="Insert">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406437" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>




    <Child InternalID="4926251" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406438" Action="None">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>






    DECLARE @ParentIdReference TABLE (Parent_ID INT,InternalID INT)


    INTO Parent

    OUTPUT inserted.Parent_ID, inserted.InternalID

    INTO @ParentIdReference


    c.value('@InternalID[1]','INT') AS InternalID,

    c.value('@Action[1]','varchar(10)') AS [ACTION],

    c.value('InsertUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertUserID,

    c.value('InsertDateTime[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertDateTime,

    c.value('UpdateUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS UpdateUserID

    FROM @xml.nodes('Parent') T(c)

    DECLARE @ChildIdReference TABLE (Child_ID INT,Parent_ID INT,InternalID INT)


    INTO Child

    OUTPUT inserted.Child_ID,inserted.Parent_ID, inserted.InternalID

    INTO @ChildIdReference



    v.value('@InternalID[1]','INT') AS InternalID,

    v.value('@Action[1]','varchar(10)') AS [ACTION],

    v.value('InsertUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertUserID,

    v.value('InsertDateTime[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertDateTime,

    v.value('UpdateUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS UpdateUserID

    FROM @xml.nodes('Parent') T(c)

    CROSS APPLY T.c.nodes('Childs/Child') U(v)

    CROSS APPLY @ParentIdReference P

    WHERE p.internalid=c.value('@InternalID[1]','INT')




    x.value('@InternalID[1]','INT') AS InternalID,

    x.value('@Action[1]','varchar(10)') AS [ACTION],

    x.value('InsertUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertUserID,

    x.value('InsertDateTime[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertDateTime,

    x.value('UpdateUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS UpdateUserID

    FROM @xml.nodes('Parent') T(c)

    CROSS APPLY T.c.nodes('Childs/Child') U(v)

    CROSS APPLY U.v.nodes('Kids/Kid') W(x)

    CROSS APPLY @ChildIdReference c

    WHERE c.internalid=v.value('@InternalID[1]','INT')

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  • Hey Man ,,Thanks Alot its work fine,,,

  • <Father InternalID="2030170" Action="None">


    <InsertDateTime>11-12-2010 08:14:00</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-12-2010 09:01:50</UpdateDateTime>


    If I add above sunnode under the Parent node the what will be the querry for that.

    I have like that senario. I have more 10 subnodes under Parent node.and some of the sunnode have subnode.

    your solution will works fine in that?

  • It sure will.

    Take the code snippet for the child table.

    Replace 'Childs/Child' with 'Father' in CROSS APPLY T.c.nodes('Childs/Child') U(v)

    Assign a different temp table to hold the output data, if needed for further reference.

    Give it a try. If you get stuck, post the related xml sample as well as what you've tried and what you expected to see as result.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Hey Thaanks for your fast response.

    I am stuck in that.

    Below is the sample XML file:

    DECLARE @xml XML

    SELECT @xml=

    '<Parent InternalID="154805" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-29-2008 17:13:57</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>13-05-2010 13:22:41</UpdateDateTime>


    <Child InternalID="4926259" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406675" Action="Insert">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406458" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3406789" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>




    <Child InternalID="4956789" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="2136438" Action="None">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>


    <Kid InternalID="3432138" Action="None">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>02-22-2008 12:12:43</UpdateDateTime>






    <Father InternalID="4256523" Action="delete">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>



    <Father InternalID="4256523" Action="delete">


    <InsertDateTime>02-20-2008 16:27:54</InsertDateTime>


    <UpdateDateTime>11-05-2009 15:22:44</UpdateDateTime>



    Now in fathers table

    father_ID int identity (1,1) primary key,

    parent_ID int references Parent(Parent_ID),

    InternalID int,


    So i want to pass the identity value of the Parent table to each subnode.

    In you previous solution ,,we have table variable ,,which hold the value for parent_ID. but we can't use it for others subnodes.

  • Can we use temp table to hold the value of Parent_ID from parent table and we can do cross apply the temp table for the subnodes to get that value??

  • Finally ,,i got it,,

    I used temp table for the Parents and passed its value to subnodes

  • Hey LutsM,

    It was great. I tried using temp tables and it works.

    I was jsut working on the sample file and yesterday i got some new files, Its has two lines for the XML declaration. I tried to load the files in the table with that declaration but,,,in the message 0 rows affected for all the tables.

    I know its common but i never worked with XML.

    Do u have any idea how to handle it.

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>

    - <Mains xmlns="http://ALD.riban.com" RedegCount="0" ParentCount="2">



    <Parent InternalID="154805" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-29-2008 17:13:57</InsertDateTime>

  • Hey LutsM,

    It was great. I tried using temp tables and it works.

    I was jsut working on the sample file and yesterday i got some new files, Its has two lines for the XML declaration. I tried to load the files in the table with that declaration but,,,in the message 0 rows affected for all the tables.

    I know its common but i never worked with XML.

    Do u have any idea how to handle it.

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>

    - <Mains xmlns="http://ALD.riban.com" RedegCount="0" ParentCount="2">



    <Parent InternalID="154805" Action="Update">


    <InsertDateTime>08-29-2008 17:13:57</InsertDateTime>

  • There are severa lissues with that new file:

    a) the end tag < / Ridge > has no start tag

    b) There is a new node level (Mains) introduced that needs to be included in the query and finally

    c) You're now dealing with xml data including a namespace declaration. Those data need to be treated differently: You'd have to add the preceeding WITH XMLNAMESPACES() clause to declare the namespace used in the document.

    Here's the code to deal with data that include a namespace (I also changed the node level and I assume you can fix the issue mentioned in a) ):



    DEFAULT 'http://ALD.riban.com'



    INTO Parent

    OUTPUT inserted.Parent_ID, inserted.InternalID

    INTO @ParentIdReference


    c.value('@InternalID[1]','INT') AS InternalID,

    c.value('@Action[1]','varchar(10)') AS [ACTION],

    c.value('InsertUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertUserID,

    c.value('InsertDateTime[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS InsertDateTime,

    c.value('UpdateUserID[1]', 'varchar(10)') AS UpdateUserID

    FROM @xml.nodes('Mains/Parent') T(c)

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