Using DTS getting errors inserting nulls to identity column.

  • Hi,

    I have recently added identity columns to my tables. I use DTS to extract data from Oracle and append to the tables in MSSQL. I am getting errors which indicate I am trying to insert null values into the identity columns. However I am not attempting to insert anything to the ID column. My weak understanding of ID columns is that they will automatically increment whenever a row is inserted to the table. Is that wrong?

    Why would I get these errors when using DTS. Except for the ID column I am selecting all data from the oracle side, which does not include an ID column. Shouldn't the Id column just auto increment?



  • Either:

    Make sure that you 'set identity_insert off' before the append


    If you are writing insert into xxx (id,col1, col2).... do NOT include the id column in the list of fields or it will expect them.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • As mentioned above, probably you are specifying NULL for the identity. Don't do that, just ignore it like it didn't exist.

  • I has the 'set identity_insert' set to 'on'. I have turned it off on the offending transformations and I'm testing again. It seems to be working so far.


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